15 Exercises To Improve Your Core For Sports Performance eBook


All athletes need a strong core to both play at their highest level, and to lower their injury risk. If your core strength isn’t where it needs to be, this program can help you.

First, you’ll learn why traditional core training is minimally effective when it comes to preparing for the demands of sport. Planks and other drills do help, but there’s much more to developing a stable midsection than simply holding a static position for minutes on end.

From there, you’ll receive detailed instruction on how to execute 15 exercises that are more sport-oriented, broken down into the following categories;

  • Basic exercises
  • Advanced exercises
  • Drills for contact sport preparation
  • Strength exercises with a core focus

Finally, you’ll get a sample workout plan to help you advance over time that is adaptable to your schedule, and the equipment available to you.



Category: Product ID: 5175


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